He had his whole company about him, and he said: “This is very dangerous work, and it requires great self-sacrifice. 1. ", To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Also I heard the voice of the Lord The Targum renders it, the voice of the Word of the Lord, as if it was the second Person, the Word, that was heard speaking; but it seems rather to be the voice of the first Person, the Father: saying, Whom shall I send? Gabriel might come with his six wings and his salutation to announce to Mary that the fulness of time had come and that the Word was to be made flesh, but it was John, the son of Zacharias, who was not that light, who was sent to preach repentance to the vipers of his day, and to urge them to flee from the wrath to come. It has always been supposed that, whether in the case of a nation, or an individual, suffering is a powerful moralist; and that a mind which is proof against the humbling and cleansing effects of pain is reprobate and beyond redemption. "Here am I.". Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, &c. I. following words were said when Isaiah saw the glory of Christ, IV. "Us" is a plural, and the plural in Hebrew (but in no other Semitic languages) adds intensification (cf. But to prepare him for it, God vouchsafed to him a vision of the glory and felicity of the heavenly world. This text, and its parallels, Genesis 1:26; Genesis 3:22; Genesis 11:7, exhibit the Trinity in Revelation‘s dawn indistinctly - partially disclosed - revealing only a “plurality” of persons. This was the state of things for which the Lord demanded a voluntary workman. By distressing convictions of personal sin. Yet even the sense of sin might paralyse being alone. THE WORK WHICH SUCH PERSONS WILL BE CALLED TO UNDERTAKE. III. Yet the closing act of this proud monarch was one of spiritual profanation. Ah! Multitudes may reject the prophet's message, yet there will be "a tenth" who will accept it and be saved.âJ. Christian thought has, however, scarcely erred in believing that the words were as a dim foreshadowing of the truth, afterwards to be revealed, of a plurality within the Unity. I. He is as an angel called to an angelâs work. But the existence of this pluralis majestaticus has never been proved. 5 Then said I, Woe is me! The prophet, with the ardour for work which follows on the sense of pardon, volunteers for it before he knows what it is. No condition as to place is so much as hinted at. Send me! ", "woe," acknowledging his own uncleanness. Isaiah 6:8. Here am I — And this is the man who a few minutes ago was agonized with fear for his life because in his impurity he had seen God. It records the calling of Isaiah to be the messenger of God to the people of Israel. That there are clearer intimations of the doctrines of the Trinity, than that contained in this and similar texts, is indubitable; but we must not set aside the early and somewhat obscure intimations of a doctrine, simply because it comes afterward to be exhibited with more fulness. So again at the destruction of Babel, Genesis 11:5-7. THE PERSON WANTED, as described in the questions, “Whom shall I send? 1-5 form a general introduction to the whole book (see p. 930). (J. Parker, D. D.), We must become seers before we can become servants. ), I was studying for the ministry, with a view to labour in England; it happened that there was a missionary meeting in the neighbourhood, and one of the ministers said to me, Come to me over, and bring “the students with you, it will do them good,”--and as one inducement he said, “There is an eminent Scotch minister in town, Dr. Waugh, who is to preach.” We went--and, I have no doubt, we went praying to receive a blessing. Here, if I mistake not, the subject takes a different turn. Commentary (Bible study) Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 EXEGESIS: ISAIAH 55-66: THE CONTEXT This chapter follows the exuberant chapter 55, which invites everyone who thirsts to come to the waters and those who have no money to come, buy and eat (55:1). The points to which I shall call your attention, are, [In the first instance, the proposal referred solely to a mission which God intended to send to his people. I am rather favorable to the opinion that this passage points to Three Persons in the Godhead, just as we elsewhere read, Let us create man in our likeness. Practically all of the liberal and radically critical writers make it the beginning of all of Isaiah's prophetic writings, identifying it with his original call to the prophetic office. This is the light in which we may wisely look on Christian service. Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Heaven opened. xxiii., No. ": stumble: Mt 11:6 15:14 21:44 Lk 20:17,18 Jn 6:66 1Co 1:23; Alexander - This verse completes the threatening by an explicit declaration that Jehovah would not only be a stumbling block and snare to the houses of Israel but that many should actually fall and be ensnared and broken. ]— — —, But we may consider the call as given to every one of us, not to undertake the office of the ministry, but to serve God in a way of general obedience: “Who is willing to fulfil my will, and to consecrate himself to me?” — — — This honour God is ready to confer on all who are willing to accept it: and, if we be really desirous to engage in His service, he will make us lights in the world, and monitors to all around us — — —, Such offers as these are common in the Holy Scriptures — — — and we may suppose it as now made to us, in the name, and by the command, of God himself — — —]. Unlike one of the sons in the parable (Mat ), he meant what he said. God said, “Go.” You have just that very simple succession of events. not directing his discourse to the seraphim, as Aben Ezra and Kimchi; as if he consulted with them: for who of all the creatures is the Lord's counsellor? When Isaiah had been thus absolved, the true object of the heavenly scene was made apparent. A. The nature of the work may be inferred from the condition of the people. Commentary on Isaiah 8:1-8 (Read Isaiah 8:1-8) The prophet is to write on a large roll, or on a metal tablet, words which meant, "Make speed to spoil, hasten to the prey:" pointing out that the Assyrian army should come with speed, and make great spoil. When He says, Whom shall I send? Spurgeon. This section is a major revelation of the grace of God and the condition for spiritual cleansing. The Targum renders it, the voice of the Word of the Lord, as if it was the second Person, the Word, that was heard speaking; but it seems rather to be the voice of the first Person, the Father: saying, Whom shall I send? THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CHALLENGE, “Here am I send me.” Looking at this acceptance by itself, it seems an extraordinary sacrifice on the part of Isaiah. For if the joy, with which he offered himself here as the messenger of God, was the direct consequence of the forgiveness of sins, of which he had received the seal; the consciousness of his own personal sinfulness, and his membership in a sinful nation, would certainly have prevented him thereto from coming forward to denounce judgment upon that nation. Ver. Moses, we know, was called to go to Pharaoh, and to bring the Lord’s people out of Egypt. Then they will fall and be broken; They will even be snared and caught. Many hear the sound of God's word, but do not feel the power of it. It was a volunteer’s response to a general summons or invitation. 1 In the year of the death of King Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, and His lower extremity filled the Temple. The necessity of preserving and exhibiting this unity, gives to these early intimations an unspeakable importance; though some, through an excess of candor, would abandon them to the enemy. Isaiah’s history is a picture of what many and many a true Christian labourer may expect. ), When the Moravian Brethren in Germany were carrying on their great mission work in heathen lands, Zinzendorf, their distinguished leader, sent one day for one of the ministers, and said to him, “Will you go to Greenland tomorrow as a missionary?” The minister, after a moment’s hesitation, said, “Yes, if the shoemaker can finish the boots which I have ordered of him by tomorrow, I will go.” (H. Macmillan, LL. sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers. He inquires, in other words, Who among the living will lend a hand to this work? - fit parties, doubtless, to be honored with the pluralis majestaticus. The sermon was soon ended; the congregation was broken up; my friends went to dine; I was invited to dine with my fellow students; I had no appetite for food, my heart was full--and I said to a friend, Can you procure me a garret, where I can spend the remainder of the day in fasting and prayer? I think I see in that response a consciousness of his being in a certain position which no one else occupied, which rendered it incumbent upon him to say, “Here am I.”. He desires volunteers, "Who will go for us?" “Jehovah of hosts is the fulness of the whole earth.” Turn this ascription, for it may be so read, into a wish: “Let the whole earth be filled with His glory.” Read it, if you please, as a prophecy: “The whole earth shall be filled with His glory,” and then go you forward, O ye servants of the Most High, with this resolve, that in His hands you will be the means of fulfilling the prophecy by spreading abroad the knowledge of His name among the sons of men. (S. Cox, D. D.), Experience to be used for the benefit of others, Isaiah saw the King that he might serve the King. And he preached on all these matters as no angel in all heaven could have preached, he preached as only a leper could preach to his brother lepers, and as only one undone man could preach to other undone men. God asks, Whom shall I send? All that was left on earth of my young wife, except the memory of a sainted life and of a too brief happiness, was lying still and cold in the chamber above us. In that memorable year, naturally speaking, he himself was to see God. And if this be the case, it is Jesus, and not Isaiah who gives the answer, here am I, send me, see Psalms 40:7. How instructive is each particular of His beatific vision! A vision of God.—Uzziah the king, after a brilliant reign of fifty years, had just died. 3. A. 2. This is also a prime condition of fitness for service. The Targum renders it, the voice of the Word of the Lord, as if Isaiah 6:8 NIV. He was a youth, probably not more than eighteen or nineteen, when he answered the Lord’s challenge; he was a member of the first circle of the Jewish aristocracy, and, according to some authorities, a prince of the royal blood. Of Thomas Clarkson it is recorded that when about twenty-four years of age, after having composed and read a Latin prize essay at Cambridge University, he travelled to London to assist in founding a society for the suppression of the slave trade. 4. He did not say, “Here am I use me where I am,” but “send me.” Where to? Thus at creation, Genesis 1:26. Who would risk his life? If we read this passage rightly we shall not always throw the emphasis upon the last word, “me,” but read it also thus, “Here am I, send me.” He is willing to go, but he does not want to go without being sent. Its defense is now abandoned by the most skillful grammarians. And who will go for us? From that time we never ceased to labour hard on behalf of the resolution we had made.” In this case a Lancashire manufacturer brought the “call,” but surely the angels of sorrow and sympathy assisted in the “consecration,” and the Holy One of Israel worked with His servant. 3. Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Who had courage enough to do it? But in no respect do we full short of the favours conferred on him: yea, rather, we may be considered as having, [Bright as that vision was, it was far inferior to that which is vouchsafed to us in the Gospel. God especially qualifies His messengers. The task for which the right man was sought was not merely divine, but heavenly in the broadest sense: for it is not only a matter in which God Himself is interested, that the earth should become full of the glory of God, but this is also an object of solicitude to the spirits that minister unto Him. The vision of God to the soul implies these two facts, namely, that God can communicate, speak, and make Himself manifest and known to the soul, and that the soul has capacity to receive what God makes known, or communicates to it. The youthful penitent knew that he was restored. Nor is there any evidence that God himself, on especially solemn occasions, keeping out of sight, of course, the text in question, used such style; there is abundant evidence to the contrary, the singular number being used by Yahweh in the most sublime and awful declarations. And as the prophetic office as such rested upon an extraordinary call from God, it may fairly be assumed, that when Isaiah relates so extraordinary a call as this, he is describing the sealing of his prophetic office, and therefore his own first call. In truth, leaving out of view the plural appellatives applied to the Deity, that is, the appellatives in question, and which, therefore, cannot be adduced, there is no evidence whatever of this pretended rule. We wish to know why, originally, such forms were applied to the “true” God; and it is no answer to tell us they are also applied to idols. Bold. These experiences are at once your credentials and your powers. Oct 28, 2018 - Explore Judy Campbell's board "Isaiah 6" on Pinterest. Indeed, many interpreters conclude that Isaiah 6:1-8 represents not Isaiah’s call, but rather something like a renewal-of-call experience or a re-commissioning for a new situation that was precipitated by the death of King Uzziah in 742 BCE (or … Continue reading "Commentary on Isaiah 6:1-8" Of the Christian's offer of service. We come, then, to think of THE DIVINE CALL. King James Version Update. ), God’s call: the anti-slavery and other crusades, Those who do the best work in the world’s redemption, and yet may never preach a sermon, have had a “call” to accomplish it. And we cannot but admire the conduct of Isaiah in relation to it, when he offered himself to God without hesitation and without reserve. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? to the people of Israel, to reprove them for their blindness and stupidity, and to threaten them, and foretell unto them their ruin and destruction; intimating that it was a difficult thing to pitch upon a proper person; and that there were but few that were fit to go on such an errand: this is spoken after the manner of men; otherwise the Lord knew whom to send, and whom he would send; and could easily qualify anyone he pleased, and send with such a message: and who will go for us? Suddenly the thought flashed into his mind that he should offer himself to this cause. Might send seraphim and the angel host. (H. P. Hughes, M. ruin and destruction; intimating that it was a difficult thing to The mystery of the Trinity is well observed by some in the following words, as by others this, that ministers serve not men, but the only true God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The justification of the boldness of his offer is, that it was made to God, who always qualifies His servants for the tasks to which He calls them. Isaiah expressed his gratitude for his cleansing from sin by answering the Lord’s call for someone to send. Notice the willingness with which the prophet offered himself. One was weak, suffering, dying, though the other did not know it at the time. God often chooses marked seasons for His greatest self-manifestations; makes individual souls associate eventful days with their own more personal history. Who will go for Us?” The person wanted is viewed from two points. but to the Son and Spirit, who it is certain were concerned in this mission; for the following words were said when Isaiah saw the glory of Christ, and spake of him, John 12:41 and they are expressly attributed to the Holy Ghost in Acts 28:25 the Septuagint and Arabic versions, instead of "for us", read "unto this people"; and the Targum is, "whom shall I send to prophesy? Us. The peculiar obligation which lies on us to follow the prophet’s example—. The supreme glory of God. The seraphim cried, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy!’ Isaiah was overwhelmed. pitch upon a proper person; and that there were but few that were He never rejects true volunteers. for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. Always, but that once, God has chosen sinful men; and, not seldom, the most sinful of men He could get to speak to their fellow men about sin and salvation. and who will go for us? Did he not know how hard it would be to reach men’s hearts around him with the solemn message? Preachers of this pluralis majestaticus has never been proved to Isaiah exaggerated description... 's! On Isaiah 6, Isaiah 6:1-8, John c. Holbert, preaching this Week WorkingPreacher.org... Parable ( Mat ), a man once rose in one moment, God. 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