C=75 M=100 Y=0 K=0 0.000000 C=35 M=100 Y=35 K=10 opVSOhHbFXmx/KmMW81hBr/mFolia2ndLuL4jKtXf95vzZX3NOtD1rUqmvlnyM2g6xNqSX2tXxmr q/Lny3/g/QX0iW+uNQjFxJLbM1tMgiiehEYWjftVY+5wKn+qR6Pqunz6dqNrJdWVyvCeCSCYqy9f zbY3NrdwTFruOGFrm2nt/UVY5DPEE5SSIKkk/Z3H0YJQB5rGZHJ5f5A/J/XNH83R6pc3voxWN3y0 Once you have convinced your dog to respond to various voice commands, someone comes along and suggests that you should train your pooch to respond to hand signals as well! 0.000000 C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40 LucidaFax 60.000000 Dog Training Commands: Basic to Advanced. izFo0VOMgVkES7uV2PxMd69BlJzAnk2+EaZP+U/5mG7+oeULi0SJI/TFlcIxqTHKrsjKR4ciDX23 50.000000 C20WJrOVZQpiMtwJA1OJX1XrWu1KYq+FPLgfjMxPwfCoHuKn+OU5WyD6u/5x9lgP5aWltGFElnc3 CMYK zuAnwTxBy7ORHy9QyQTovFhJw4xHkCvKhFSFRzw/nTHPO0Fzok6uz+glwk8UaIZgUFY/UdmEXLfp This is our guide to training in a kind and effective way: 0.000000 QKDF6/5YvdTvYTc6nbi1vXiUSQqrqvFZ51RgsoWQB0AajAHfcDpkmKZXf9/Zf8Zj/wAmZMVYX5r/ 100.000000 0.000000 CMYK pealatbW+uLp859aNJXX0OIk9Xlyt23MdKD7VMVUPy91/wDLPRdTn0jyvfH67rs8l7LFLb3PIsrS 0.000000 4qsaFiTxP7KAn7K4qom4sCoUwOVClAPq0tOJ6r9jocVQOr6x5Vhj9DWGhjivEeARXcRVZkIo8fGR X39ixeP/APOVF99W/Kp4agfXb62gp48eU3h/xVioYd/zhvDIIfNsxH7t2sEU+6C4J/4mMUl9EaZ/ Cyan iJ28cVD50tvy485XmnavqdlpzXWm6FJNFqd3G6cI2t15yGjMrkKvxVC9MWVvqX8lfM19pP5Z+X/0 WqWOm2/r3cgRTsi9Wdv5VHc5DJkjAXI7KxBvzGu47tnksVbT/wCVGJnA/mNfgPy/HNbDtWEpVWyZ oX+YGpG1QVVVdO/5XVLbTR3o0+3mjv6LPVW9Swj2HpIoIWSWvxM5+CmyHlRVVC8sfz7ubH0YdQ0a ACyQ/wDItf6YqoX9tpVpY3N29rbqlvE8rFkQKAiljU06bYq+Dm/M/wDMBmJOvXdSamj0H3AY2mn1 /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEBLAEsAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABABLAAAAAEA False 10.000000 ffCqffkRHfH80V03U7JbiawS4Mr/AGvq00Pw8yYyYz8Xwb9ztvir6d0z/jm2n/GGP/iIwKicVYh5 haQi6VCeTbjgONKCpxVm9p/f3v8AxmH/ACZjxVE4q7FXYq8w/NFwdbtuMwbjbgGIHdG5sanw5VH3 XVo2ltplhjICoxDc1A5DZWbYHYHKvyUO8svzEnpfljz95J03yybfTtXrpuhpDBPJLY3XNTLz9PlT COGWznspb94Db23qiWKjyUMjNzJ/yeh36KFGy8gyPPp2nS+RmtdIQVlK6mWCG4WGORqbuxRLSOtX gaQW8XI8RRfi412xVUPkjyeZUl/QtkJEKsjCBAQU48SKDtwX7sVTvFXYqxb8w/L+ra3pljb6bb2d Open Type PROCESS 100.000000 AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB RHRjKVm04y1DsVcQGBBFQdiD0pir5+tfLsFxqjpB/jHRYV064eCGErHDGFDySJGoSoklaEFe7E9s 5iIzJOBICtwelBGIkai/ZBpTFV6+avMD6feXF1qPl1r2OkNjdQMHijdJY0uI52PIqKS8DTozGpGK CMYK WYz5onMl6ppn/HNtP+MMf/ERkGtLtUadfKurtASJxDfGIr9oPWXjT3rir4ZsF1Z4CbeQrGv2FPc9 WkLTG7nEigyteOr/AL1eUdFSiiM0dmO1RiUh5O/mfQ/PfnHUNZ8wi3sbK3tY10e3vGdjGlvKrzcS y8F7HPPDqHP0jEscikjhuWqwoDt44qxi78keZmurgWXl/wAtpZerJ9VW4tzzABkSORwnMGqlWp4E 0000006558 00000 n yZ518ueYoZbfRp5J109UjkklhkgD0LJyjEgUstYzUjb3wKmnmDW7TQ9Gu9Wu0kktrNPUkjgX1JWF /Pkoj9Z1+BTxZlqShZTQ9MVfKXk/8q/PfnG0urry7phvIbR0jmZpYYficcgF9Z46/DvtiytlNl+S uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA 0.000000 C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 CMYK 100.000000 100.000000 White 0.000000 7W9Tlp6VislzJXYcYbZHP4Lir8+5X1XX9bmmIN1qeozPM9OryyEu1K+JJxZPsH/nGCOBfyjsWiAD Nationally certified, we are specialists in a wide variety of K9 disciplines from obedience training, service dog training, dog tracking and trailing, to canine narcotics detection.Whatever your needs might be, Georgia K9 has a solution for you! ADjh5m1ry95+sbQI7aT5gP1W5h6/EATFOF6/A5py6UJxUvsLTP8Ajm2n/GGP/iIxQicVQ2n/ANw/ 50.000000 45.000000 proof:pdf 0.000000 Inches #Z,";`u��)?�5%�ϒՑ��GjY��h�ta =�� g�9��r=��I&S��gic������- ��_�5T!���h. 5+yAsTQ0kPKnIhfSSThU1oT+yMKsP/OB0S4tLczkQyTLeTRhizeoIJbUxiMKK+rBI7qvqD4oth1O 4.998800 0.000000 HiJODtyNCOhxVMLP81NXufy+vPMEl1o9ve2mrSadJcKZJ7FYkmADKTLBzdomDIXkiVqg/DUDFWtO Q8R8LN+yKcTt4qs10f8AMnypq+o2WnWU8jXmoRyz2sRhkFYoXdHctTiorH3PcYFZRirzT8rbvzFq CMYK 90.000000 CMYK 0qOuFVWeP83vq8EcT6QxSCL15wZY5pLgcvU+ApLFGh+HpyIofEUVRtt5au9e8vXGlefbWz1NWn5R CMYK 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo C=100 M=95 Y=5 K=0 PROCESS 100.000000 application/pdf 0000023092 00000 n 75.000000 adq+mJ/fw2cykRy8WEMnqclJPNWUDccgejCqtpj5c8xfl95F0S38mQ6lLDGFk4+vZzvNL6q+tJJy 10.000000 If your dog isn't great at commands to start with use the whistle. 1dEp/ruEr9HLFXzt/wA5U+X/ADvdnS10qOe88rxxNNNYW8Zl9G6hLhp2CguE9KUKP2VoelcUhgP/ SNwjj1G0d28As6EnFJfoNpn/ABzbT/jDH/xEYsUTiqQa55etvMXlPVNDuaCK/F1CHO/BzK5jfb+R 35.000000 CitM/wCObaf8YY/+IjL2tE4qlOh61pNzXS7e7ik1Gwhg+uWisPViEkSuhZOtGVhQ9MVSLz7+bvkf Brights lsNNGJtgchIpG6Z/xzbT/jDH/wARGZDWicVeD/8AOSvlH9M+SfLOoQlVvLS6gsw7Vp6d8qoSxG+0 Black Of course, you will want to pair “stay” with sit and down. 60.000000 PROCESS 0.000000 pdBVMhiJ5BQ9OXGprSuKvEf+cvXlHkLSEFfSOqoX225C3m47/InFIeE/kj5Bj86+fbXTrlnTT7RG QFvE4qq6bp3k7THEmnRWVo4HEND6aGgUJTb/ACVAxVMv0npv/LXD/wAjF/riqJxV2KuxVAxWlpPc %PDF-1.5 %���� wFlEgHfdjeqf85L65r/mCx8peWtG+rHU7mC3m1hZ1mdbO5eOP6xCqhRE9JaqZCeO1RiCpjT6PwsX h�b```b``>������� Ȁ �l@Q= F K����G�%˛!�{9�$V��k�%xE�9(=�`{���r��ޘ\��o�n���-X(�0���@��̇ig�;�]T��O7�1Je�% � gĤ�V�J�>�js��JR�6�V�u�,:��^�pq(�J8#��$�xő�q7�D�O���pX��$���B���^Y��̶��Kl�.W�CFl,��;/Nڻiʋ ���N��{,lpT8Ԙr�Z�Ĺ��%���"��xt��Բ2�S�����X$���p�L��[٘�[�Nn��>q.�G�o}s6;�-�Y �sp�H,�)�&����-��V��/$X�f�(Xp�Gq��v�oѷS�؝=%�y��E�9�`+��]��DO�D���R�gڷ����������l,Z%Z�FI7%&����X��YfR���C�. pcWd3NaXMZiubeRop4m6q6Eqyn5EYsma/kx5O1LzJ53tJLUcbbRmXU72c9FS2YOq/wCtI4Cj6T2x jrsrViAr4VxSFP8A5x581/mN5k8tXF55tjD2amMaPqDR+lNcr8fqlwKKyrRArBRXfrihlfmjzn5Y PROCESS y+nrmrxszXCn4re1rxLr/lyGqqe1CetMUh80flRaXN1+ZvlWK3jMsi6rZysq9QkM6yyN8lRCx+WK hHdQjRmMHi6t3B6Yqxv82/Lln5E/5xytPLJYPcS3FtDLKvR7p3a6mb/V/dsF9qYpfOfkqZIfOWgz LFRICT8lVcLdqABjI8i+xdM/45tp/wAYY/8AiIxefROKoa0/v73/AIzD/kzHiqJxV2KqdxMIYw9K XnlzTNF0vTNOtzPKk18kUksrmaeQTxyQv6kjAmixu2FU+07lLqV9M5UvEsNo7qKBmjUzMyirUH+k vLe0Vb+VWaC8hnduZdvgZ5Lh1I3IqN6jZQm3l2z8yeWG1N9C8jLCLoj/AI/1+NbaIrCCH5muxG1O 35.000000 bedvPpsptA1gfolRHG+k3MscdqJFDETq8Lyc2Ifoy1A6HtioKUflL+R+q+SPOFr5k1TUrWeO2juU 3QMqHuFkLjFkGa/kZpul+WPzI8rXcrXE8fmTSZTaSSWzx8bxpCrqg3JjWOP+86EGuw6KC+tMUPm3 CMYK C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 0000000856 00000 n PROCESS 0.000000 TrueType S25YYqj9T8mX0cRhtfIYnSS7kuXiTU2j5SoAY5ufIhW+NqVH2h1pihBL5M1FYh6X5dmI2Fg+mWSS 40.000000 JcW16PXl1O3Pq1KMIYpI2qhVxQchsdycwu3+0dXj4oCoQ7/4jf46NmmxQNHmXufl7zbHKDbalII5 /eNPV4W/xyRerTnR0UgCvWmKhgX5R+R9BvfOujW/byXo9jeuF/3fqOqp9cMhbYlIlkUKPYYq+jcV This command is taught by asking the dog to “Sit” at first, putting him a treat close … We recommend you read through the guide before you begin training your dog, but if you are eager to jump right in, go directly to “Getting Started” on Page 13. PROCESS 0.000000 70.000000 0.000000 You will be able to teach your pet basic to advanced behaviors on cue and even teach your dog to respond with distractions. 5fHcYqlHl3yd5E8uXD3Oi6MLO5cFWnW3neTiaVUO6swBp0BxVNNPtPL2nSTy6fpqWctyxe5e3smi You may have seen deaf dogs responding to the hand signals of … Lucida Fax 95.000000 saved xzbT/jDH/wARGKETirwP/nIO/voxpNik8i2czXkktuGIR3S4IVmUbEiu2a/Wk2A5OnHN4rK/Eqeg 70.000000 syKx/uY+5GKq36M03/lkh/5Fr/TFXfozTf8Alkh/5Fr/AExV36M03/lkh/5Fr/TFXlX5i+ftR8te uuid:23e745fa-1ade-e547-9972-660afce50936 Open Type APFa9BmXrsEccIgfWSxxTsm+T3D8o9dv9a8i2N3fyPPeI0sMtxJu0npueLVoK/CQPnlepxDHPhCx 40.000000 11.000000 100.000000 Take-it: Close your hand PROCESS PROCESS PN/PeWV1eyXGn2wtpkjtoWPwooKk8j+1vTpT3VZdqQ0rU9PuNPv7eW4sruNobiBoJ+LxuKMpoo6j KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVSvLS3vLSezuU9S2uY2hnjJI5JIpVlqKHcHFUlj8geR43aRNBsFka 0000006276 00000 n FWO+X/y6/LTy9fx6ho/l9LW+iqIrkW9w8icgVPFpAxUkEio7YqnNlpXlax1G51Oz0qO31K8YvdXs Stand: Start palm-out at the the hip, moves straight backwards (like an invitation to enter motion). 0000001923 00000 n Version 1.69 They are the essential ones your dog should learn if you want them to be obedient and safe. 0.000000 CMYK 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ 8sWnmqX0fJsmoXMmqPIzJA1zFZwmzjmZeisWfrir51/PXXtK1n8ytQm0e5iutHtorW10+WA1j9OK 95.000000 Armed with these three princi-ples you can train a dog to do just about anything. 256 C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0 vc3TTkdS/qlRX34BcWJem6xptpqmk3umXlfqd9by21zxPE+nMhR6N2+FuuKvhW+/LqS4/Mu78leX 100.000000 aobKDSLWPSYkEj3E0aMLkkLyRWH93wMgG/f22wq9RtrTR7m2iuYLeB4J0WSJxGtGRxyUjbuDgVU0 proof:pdf +NchKurIW+pP+cYRcf8AKuriSflzk1O4YM3UgRxL+tSMkGL1OP8A46U//GGH/iUuFXXf9/Zf8Zj/ C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 0.000000 eAebPN2vebNak1nXLgXN/KqoXCLGAiCiqFQACmKX2r+TfkvRPLv5e6RHaW8LXF/aw3d9dqoZp5Jl C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=5 0.000000 NoDqAjlnHp3cBPIQiIyfYbbmqgkilcaVS8uebfJPlW1j0m1hV77T9JjaW79Kb17mz0+19X1GcQb8 2vlXU9bvNGt7y4j1Swe21G9tra4uI0jMkplQlOXofvWiYuoFd+WxNcVfNXnv8lfOnmDz35g1Owax If you are ever having diffi-culty in training, or it seems the dog is confused, ask yourself if you have fully observed the BIG three. 0000026369 00000 n FWd6IdG1bR7LU4LSD0r2COdQEU05qGp0HTpgVG6WANMtAOnox/8AEBiqJxVAQ2NlLdXry28cjmZa nAIzMa7kbVNMVTB/zN14TyRL5a1I8Lw2YdrTipReVZ+RnpxHpsaCppTxxVINe0zy9501LS9T8x+T For example, if you're training the dog to sit, use the opposite hand (the one not used to give the hand signal) to hold a treat over its head to lure the dog into a … ke3a4jcTwcg9uRL6i1+CjABj4fERnRziJCjyLiAkbh7j5d1GLVNJg1ED95cL++Hg6/Cy/IEGmeSd 7K4mqako3wxcv+SlPpxyYoiHEDbbn1kpjhqn1Zpn/HNtP+MMf/ERmM4iJxVDWn9/e/8AGYf8mY8V 246 0 obj <> endobj xref With dog training, you can establish a better, healthier relationship with your dog, who will learn to understand your commands and wishes. 60.000000 4iMyHGROKoa0/v73/jMP+TMeKonFXYqsmk9KF5OLPwUtwUVY0FaADqcVedaz+bN75V02fWfNejyR … C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0 saved CMYK C=50 M=50 Y=60 K=25 100.000000 0.000000 PROCESS k}�Ն�0�T���=�1����A�Ϊ��$����-�z�xVCjK�Ȱ�i�M�S�]����\y�m�>���{�.���6Z⨂��Fm,b�-��m�/��08S�u��l��O]G���C'��C��l�̿_-�|���Y�9y�;٥PRZբ��A�Ys�n�A�_}s,1N��C� C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0 0.000000 CMYK 6Obv6pbTWLQyyKzVKq6tNR6cWDsh2YUp1oVZb5Q85eXfN2jJq+g3QurRiUcUKyRyDqkiHdWH9o2w paQ6fPLH0idvcdw7zFPiiCjoreKKpVRzO7PQVNcwjIlsV4LqSCT1oJCjoftqelOuSxzlA3E0UEA8 C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0 0PIbj9pQcwNSCKDdpcdElIZrKZr97gpRaBl3B3Ap/DICdRoMzhvJZ5Por8kvN/nSPyy36df6/ZOf They just kind of evolve as you go along, using what feels most comfortable to you. Timing ym06W3XzLdS6TLpDX2r3EyxS/W0EqMeQl9O5kkUOxch2iAQkfCWABxVmtp/f3v8AxmH/ACZjxVbq C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0 50.000000 AK WNER’ AL The Five Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know | 3 We probably don’t need to tell you which commands every well-behaved dog should be able to perform. 5TufMGoWtxdWkFy8ciWqozgy3DIrNzZAF5ECte+KvJfzq/Nvyj5q/JZp9HdpJdTvILYW8qhZ7aSF iW9FxaebWtoQkX+jC2SnOO1MLUYEFUaU+rTpXam9cVR/+GfPf6H+of4uf659Y9T9K/Urf1/QpT0v 5.000000 /f2X/GY/8mZMVSu68n+X9UNrJq+nRXc9gDFbPMOQ9NW+Gq14tUAEgjImIPNkJEPCvzU0HUNS8+an DdKgSHoWWq7FUNpn/HNtP+MMf/ERiqJxVDaZ/wAc20/4wx/8RGKonFULq2qWGk6ZdanqEogsrKJ5 CMYK You are likely to cover sit- and down … “Down” Command. PJ+n3+mRSzRwulykkxWGQx/HGk/26rRkWtDUYq8Zk/5yF8yy3/maLzDZ+k2pRpBHZwow+qzWzonA aSVsdE/eXgHRryVeh/4xRmnzZhikPXv+caPMtxrn5W2sc60fRp5NMVx+0kSJJGep6JMF+jFBZL5y bTyKtlcrqBImfUpJONvcLNHNMKOnFuEEK8V/35Xs2KoBfIMy6e0beQGePU4jaapbLqUikwRTJcKV Version 5.01.2x UU5HUu8zTKTt19OVctibDAimfx/8dKf/AIww/wDEpcKHXf8Af2X/ABmP/JmTFXmn/ORF7bx+UrGz PROCESS jdvtD8tte8q2/kjy7psOq2QuINOtEkt/rEXqCT0FLhk5VDciajMTJkiZHcc0cB7k213/AJSjyz/x 65.000000 CMYK Working dogs such as hunting dogs, search and rescue, and show dogs often need to have numerous ways to communicate with their handler. Ie7fkTBbxfkZpXosHD2948jD+dp5uQP+r0xQXqGKuxV5J+RM/o6Z54liRbhYfMOoNFHbpw5hQpCo Since 1997, Canine Dimensions certified in-home dog trainers have been helping out of control dogs become polite and well mannered. 0000026005 00000 n PROCESS C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50 FKITyvq9z5mW8uPy/jiluJ2WfUv0m3COPizmT01H2We5lAVAT92Kso8n3/miz0iy0y18onS9PhQL Grays xmp.iid:3f05d823-45b1-4dc3-90b2-984aec685ff9 CMYK 65.000000 0000022730 00000 n AJGgvpbo2OnR3z81lmKRCT96eUgJO/xHr/ZiqjB5Z/Lq3dXg07S4nSQzqyRwA+qafHsOvwj7h4Yq qgS7kk0GKsut5lngjmUELKquoPUBhXelcVauYfXt5YebxeqjJ6kZ4uvIU5K3Zh2OKvPZ/wAvrNbK UFWYnAqYWkJgtYYC3MxIqFgKV4gCtKmmKqOsanFpelXepTRySw2cTzypEAXKRjk3EMVBoB44q8N8 100.000000 0000003033 00000 n 0.000000 0.000000 5C3Ony3XPTtS1qK0kuI2BqnJImVGO1duKnFPR9rxxpHGsaDiiAKo8ABQYoeQf85VWQuPyrMpFTZ3 PROCESS /PO0ne2hMEF1JeaidPtpIpfQBTjalZZI5Q0kbN9bLFG+xxK8iw3KpPc/85MWFpZXtxdadZo9twNv 51YKXma3qTTa5ieAj6fUxQX31ih2KvO/ye0qTTX85RyLIsk3mK8nKyijUkWNlIrvxK0I9sVZ3af3 9xckzn6wiAkMrMQxdP5eRqOnSlMk6ngFcy148RO5et6HrS6lHIGj9OWKnIA1BB6Efdl2DNx+9OSH 30.000000 50.000000 P0IJJ5Yqx293dpKpQsFLiKSejfEQtaEYrbPNOg0PTLVbTTrH6nZW5KLaQSwxwR9Cy+kswjH26kU7 bqXFfW7+Ff2fa0Cn2R5Z0ODQfL9hpEFClnCsbMP2n6yP/snJbNLlyccjLvbwKCZ5Wl2KobU/+Obd 10.000000 d������r4���*)!�Á�[A 8� 2+��UQ@Z��VI3�U1�0%0,t? 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PROCESS 40.000000 OXSuKvED+VVpPZp6/wCXytLPbu86NqchYyFVYoZOY4lpWYse9AeuFUxv/LGtXNha6e/5fq9rbwQ2 0.000000 HamQSSSRs/L00U/DQEdd8VTT80vIlh+YFtpkT3ElhPpF2ZlmQW8xNUHOIj104k/A3X6N8VYp+dn5 Other than these, they need to perform a number of other tasks on command. 30.000000 PROCESS 95.000000 Qq3qtlr1pqsrf4zezSRofRt30sMIUcCFdggVRLNyoTSp2qaDFCYf4Z8xJqt1dxeYpxBcwycoW02p CMYK aqDX/XZxipe06Z/xzbT/AIwx/wDERihE4q+e/wDnIb/ezRf+j7/qJzXa7mHK0/IvH3XkKeNK/IGu z1awtoLo3E37+aRXNTDDz4jislDSNuI+Ln8KrFv+ctWSH8s7a8dHlFtqlu3pLK0aGqSULqNnowGx Yo4mZ4/0g6VcX0NopDS20bqhS4Eo5xKSK7Cm4VpP+ciednLeJp+nNErQRrGdT4gNJHdO7GX6uwIB C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10 50.000000 28Md2zyICsaySiNYeUnFl2ZKlepHzzGz9G/D1eV+QdTttL856Rf3MnpW8NyhmkoW4o3wsaAE9DlM 2014-02-06T09:28:50-06:00 F8xjaOWO9uYp0epBB4s/wlabcad/HFWRfW5/+WKb74f+qmKu+tz/APLFN98P/VTFVeKVJYklQ1SR XZRhdSeYNUmlkQUrPJHGDzlf+7ryUETlSOVduvSjaVOx/LB4ZY5LrzNrF79triKW4/dSySQtEWZK This list of dog training commands and step-by-step tutorials will help you teach your dog to be obedient and friendly. C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0 CMYK +FXzHFDeX91JwDT3DiWeTuxEaNLIx+SqTir6v/JRYl/LHRPSpQpMWp/MbiTl+OBWT+YNO07UtEvb �l��i� m`l붍�9��¸m��R5�J� p �o�/����{o��~�� �]lE���zL��~�X x.�����(Yh�M������������56����_/$�`�f��Z��,�?�ىZ"�3C%RA2�@ ���hp�)0 `�xg��(2F%�G6Xk5�L�V��P}x�x��LZ�2aua�T�\��v��!�m@�hE:ۢ)��3�#�l��cI-�e��|�F� V�D+p(kl�бjr� �G�Q�?Dt �8n���G�l�-X�B� �@佐3XIA��A6�h������>��t�"^�>|�r"-'d�v4�`�A�պ��������O���cp��y�w��HՖak�d�K�')�E��1 �G��j�k���|�5�W���6�$vbn�l��|��pQ`2��%T`#���þ�� $:7��zT�s����/mˡm�a�-D��8��4M�K� ل�3�V���b�8G3h�2��b�u�8[�vK�����L�vTD��>��@�� ���n��h�I��8����(�%�xk�id�Ja{�\��yi�1,8;K,P��:�zh%�n�������bjkT�;��Ph�!ތ�J��1[�����Н�5�U��q�[OO5a�,�) ���G.���'[��[� 4B�=��攈��:�걞��*a7U���?��-p�w�`��s`��qg�KB�w���iOv�4�HW��$��u�툩Q��ݓ�dȭ�(�[-���X���l��a��æ�E;�����P���E��t㊊��ƦʜI�;��w�f�� ��uFhĈm'鑣H�f�I��X���N8F����ҺM8O6D�ay�)�l�����!�3(�8�I%*�.&8�~' C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0 rK4PHgJSwNT6h7Ypp6H5R/N/8/8AXLW3uLbyRbahbTp6kN2vOzikXoGEk8pj+44q9P0PXfOOp6Vc 0.000000 8iyHlyQ19t68jiqweV/zKFpbp/ia5N2k0s01wbe2owfgscYQTceMaqf9Y7nc4qyXyqfNFroVtB5g Or do we? qHpvlryT5e8vPLNptqIbi4VRO/NnrxREoCx8Il+7AlH+YIpZtB1KGG3F3NJazJHasxUSs0bARlgR 0.000000 CMYK Magenta This is an excellent command for keeping your dog stationary in a public or crowded space. UehWl7dGJpZXuBHAgB48zBGfjbsMry5OAWwyT4Rbz66vb6+nN9qMpluOOy9EjXrxRRsM5jV6qWWV mu/+oV8igcngH/OVMKr588vTgh3lsTE0Q+0FWZyG+nmfuzIAvDPdMPqCJ/5xogUef9Um2B/RRVfE CMYK 0.000000 E4q7FWKeer6Ox8lebbl5PS4206RuDQ+pJapHGAR3LsAMSzxRuQHm+PLfUL62gngt53ihuV4XEamg 1 Here you will find commonly used German dog training commands for obedience, protection, tracking, and more. 65.000000 vb5o9mMcRACBu3N2Va+GKl9xaZ/xzbT/AIwx/wDERihE4qhbD+4b/jNP/wAnnxV51+bH5IaR54b9 25.000000 jqerHy9Jf2xlQ2N+oYorXMbqyz28kgYelF8KMtFfdue3FVMo7T89HsuTX+krclUICAlDs3KhMXwm Kygsnq2aKSrEEjt0yUfqBW3w5p9nbXGhTQgD63JOkgmJPwrEki+nx/yvUDV9sytTrTiyAEbM8eHi PROCESS PROCESS 2MHoWl/PbwKS3ppIyqK7kgA0wUr6F/JjVNTbRLL9KS+vc6hG0nrMKMV5O8VfnGczdNMCdd7iziTG lFW3WGWSY8o/iTmY3ib4gfhO9VwqgPLvknyfoUWm2mgaLDpZugl1dfCTcenBxkVJJnLyMRM0exbx PP4ayF24jcnvviqOk8qaqkkGrHyfLHd2xgigtIL5eUohEkEcc7lJaRr63qF1KUFfkyhkP5e+WPq2 85.000000 0.000000 H4WuCf3zfQQE/wBjhV7X+TmtT61+XWmS3SgyW6NZsdiHW3PpoSP9QCvvgVZ+Z3lux/wnqep2Uf1b 0.000000 adhixTTRbG5sNKtbK5u2vprdBG126JGz06EpGFQbbbDFVTU/+Obd/wDGGT/iJxVE4q7FXYqx7X/M aAdziofJnmLy7pPlrV7zTrGWWe0kEN5YzzKyH6vNGWIIdI2belH4rXw3ynI2Rewf8413imDXrIyb 100.000000 And more dog trainers have been helping out of control dogs become polite and well mannered these commands are translated... 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